Feng Shui Adjustment :Why Is the Family's Luck Poor? A Must - Read for Self - built Houses!

The places where people live, whether in cities or in the countryside, possess natural landscapes such as the earth, mountains, rivers and plains, and all of them are profoundly influenced by the magnetic field of the universe. The energy generated between this magnetic field and the dwelling plays a vital role in one's good fortune and bad fortune. If the external environment of a residence is poor, even if the internal layout is reasonable, it will be difficult to completely avoid bad luck and calamity. The following feng shui illustrations through the ancient homes, mainly for rural and self-built houses to provide reference to help you understand the good luck and bad luck feng shui knowledge:

Pine and Bamboo flourish: Pine and Bamboo flourish, green bamboo shaking homes, the environment is elegant, is a symbol of good luck homes, help the family thriving, family prosperity.
Double trees next to the house: If there are two trees next to the residence, it may cause plague, there are often strange things in the home, affecting the marriage and health.

The home temple shade: trees in front of the home temple, easy to attract the plague, fire, family members are easy to suffer, and in the year of the year of the evil may be lawsuits.

Square patio: square patio homes, attracting wealth home into the jewelry, livestock in the home is prosperous, talented people, but there may be more trouble or eye disease.


Single-ear room: The small room attached to the east side of the north room is called “single-ear room”, which may bring injuries to children and horses and cattle, and should be removed as soon as possible.


Double-ear room: A small disproportionate room on each side of the hall is called “double-ear room”, which can easily cause family members to suffer from dark wind and other diseases, and should be removed as soon as possible.

Lonely room: the small room on the west side of the hall room is called “lonely room”, affecting the master of the house inside the home to make the family decline, it is appropriate to remove.


Broken house loophole: dilapidated houses or houses with broken holes in the walls are prone to official disasters or accidents and need to be repaired for good luck.

Dark calculation room: The west room beyond the west side of the north room is called “dark calculation room”, which is prone to attract thieves, loss of money and lack of money.
So the construction of the house and feng shui is very important for the family.
In Tibet, China there is a magical bottle that regulates the luck and feng shui of the home is called: Eight Square Vase.

The bottle is stored in the middle of the main hall of the world-famous palace: the main hall of the Potala Palace in China originated in the world of the 7th century BC very rare.

Inside the bottle there are monks who have recited a mantra of the grains and barley, Buddha's rice, cinnabar, pearl, lapis lazuli, emerald, and so on. The place is equivalent to the Potala Palace. All the rich and many celebrity without fail have placed it in their homes. The exterior is vacuum-plated with gold and silver, and the surface, which is very beautiful, is set with ancient gems. The rope at the mouth of the bottle is known as the five-colored hatha. In Chinese Tibet, it is known as sacred cloth, which has been blessed by the gods and is highly prized.

The entire vase, when placed in the home, is blessed with a mantra that attracts wealth, marriage and good health, and frees the body from disease and poverty.

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